Replacing Aluminium Doors For A Guildford School
Helping Local Schools & Commercial Premises With Commercial Grade Aluminium Door & Window Solutions
The Project: Replacing a set of double aluminium doors for a school in Guildford, in the school holidays
Location: Guildford, Surrey
What they wanted: To replace the old white metal doors with new grey aluminium doors and keep in character with the new updates.
How they found us: Being local installers of aluminium and commercial grade doors we were an obvious choice.
What were the old doors like before: The old white metal doors were deteriorating and showing their age, being in a school setting health and safety is foremost.
How will it change your living: Now the school will know that they comply fully with safety standards and that they are in full working order for a very long time and compliment the new colour scheme.
What were the fitters like: Professional. Very good, the doors work well and look the part.
Would you recommend us: Yes, if we require anything else, we will call you.